
Ben And Mike Comics Produtions is a movie/comics company famous for their upcoming project "Red Snow" and the fan made "Friday The 13th" movie.

We provide free, homemade entertanment that bring joy to people's faces. Comics will be posted on this blog. Movie will be posted on this blog and on YouTube.

This company is run by YouTubers darkhalo367 and MultiMarvelMike.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Red Snow

"Red Snow" is a zombie movie about a band of survivers trying to live the 2013 zombie outbreak. For more information, vist the offical movie blog: http://www.redsnow-movie.blogspot.com/

Jason In The Woods

"Jason In The Woods" is a short film about two teenagers that go in the woods surounding Camp Cryseal Lake... where Jason Voorhees awaits. And Jason means death.

Based on the "Friday The 13th" horror series, we present this fun horror/comedy starring Jason, in a way you've never seen him before!